Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Harry Potter? What's that? or.. Who's that?

Harry Potter. What is it? At first I did not know. Apparently,,, Harry Potter is the title of a film by J.K Rowling. And Harry Potter is the name of the main characters. Oh,,, i see. I just found out. At first I was not interested in watching for this, but curious. magic school?. alamak?

Some day, i just tried. I watch it bacause my friend said it's amazing. and Albus Severus Potter are handsome and cute. And...jeng jeng! It's real! Albus Severus Potter or Arthur Bowen is really handsome. and,, i was fell in love with him. AAAAA!!! I am MRS. ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER WANNA BE. xD

Since then, I was flooded with ideas for my bio. nyeh-_-twitter again. but, no problem,right? :D
Okay! Introducing, my name is Alisha. Albus is my twins, yeps.! daughter of Harry J. Potter. My full name is Alisha Severus Potter. Ahahha I think so. heehee just kidding. I am twelve years old. I live in Indonesia (Huh? Not with Albus?)Yeps, not with him.

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