Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011


1. Burj Khalifa, Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Nowadays, Burj Khalifa still become The Tallest Tower in the world.Burj Khalifa is Arabian of 'Menara Khalifa'. Previously, 9ts named "Burj Dubai". It is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The height of this skyscraper is 828 meters. It's the tallest skyscraper that ever made by humans. Taipei Tower has been defeated by Burj Khalifa on September, 12th 2007. CN Tower has been defeated by Burj Khalifa too on April, 7th. The tallest structure in Blanchard, North Dakota, U. S. A is also been defeated by Burj Khalifa. And, last, The Radio Warsawa Tower has been defeated by Burj Khalifa on September, 1st 2008.

2. Taipei Tower, Taiwan
It's a skyscraper as high as 101 levels. It's the second tallest tower in the world. This officially named is "International financial building of Taipei". It was legitimated on December, 31st 2004.

3. Petronas Tower, Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
It's the twin skyscraper in Malaysia. It was the tallest tower in the world. This tower was designed by Adamson Associates and Cesar Pelli on 1998. Most of people go here and take some photos ._.v Under The tower, there' a shopping center. Its named, Suria KLCC. 

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011


- Don't be afraid if you aren't wrong
- No one is too old to learn
- Dream. Believe and Make it Happen!

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011


Hey! Today BLINK are celebrate the first their anniv. Happy Anniversary for BLINK. Success always! GBU, Hopefully you can Go International! I love you! :)

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011


This is a story about Jumilah. She is a housewife who lives in Dusun Duduk Bawak, West Lombok. Previously, she was illiterate. There fore, she learned how to read and write from her daughter, Yana Suryani.

 Her neighbors, were mostly illiterate too, even the children and young generation. She was very concern about the situation, and she wanted to teach them so that they can read and write well.

She teachs them everyday from 2.00 p.m until 4.00 p.m at a semipermanent nearby for free.In the future she's hoping that the children can get a better life and there quality of life.

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Harry Potter? What's that? or.. Who's that?

Harry Potter. What is it? At first I did not know. Apparently,,, Harry Potter is the title of a film by J.K Rowling. And Harry Potter is the name of the main characters. Oh,,, i see. I just found out. At first I was not interested in watching for this, but curious. magic school?. alamak?

Some day, i just tried. I watch it bacause my friend said it's amazing. and Albus Severus Potter are handsome and cute. And...jeng jeng! It's real! Albus Severus Potter or Arthur Bowen is really handsome. and,, i was fell in love with him. AAAAA!!! I am MRS. ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER WANNA BE. xD

Since then, I was flooded with ideas for my bio. nyeh-_-twitter again. but, no problem,right? :D
Okay! Introducing, my name is Alisha. Albus is my twins, yeps.! daughter of Harry J. Potter. My full name is Alisha Severus Potter. Ahahha I think so. heehee just kidding. I am twelve years old. I live in Indonesia (Huh? Not with Albus?)Yeps, not with him.

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011


Aku ini,orangnya iseng. Iseng apa aja, termasuk bikin blog ini. Sebenarnya aku tidak suka membaca dan tidak ada bakat menulis seperti ini. Tapi, gatau kenapa, kegiatan seperti ini tuh bisa ngilangin jenuh gitu. Nah,waktu itu aku lagi BBM-an sama temen aku,namanya Fajar. Kita iseng bareng2 bikin #AugustWish , AugustWish saya difolback RIO ICIL. Sedangkan Fajar di follback LADY GAGA. #AugustWish nyaa. Nah berhubung sudah malam saya akhirnya udahan dulu BBM-an sama Fajarnya,lanjut besok lagi.
 Pagi-paginya, waktu baru bangun tidur ... maklumlah *BBuser pagi-pagi waktu baru bangun tidur pasti yang di cari BB. Langsung iseng buka Twitter. Eh liat2 ada followers nambah 1,t. Dan... pas dibuka... jengjeng!!! @riostevadit <--- my new followers. Saya langsung kaget. Senang,pasti. Gak nyangka,dl #maklumah lebay dan norak. Saya tidak bisa berkata apa-apa. Buaaakakaka LOL *xD

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011


Alyssa Saufika Umari ♥ Mario Stevano Aditya Haling

Kecintaanku Terhadap Cerbung/Cerpen IC

             Sebenarnya, saya tidak suka membaca dan tidak berbakat menulis.Tapi berkat sahabat saya, saya jadi senang membaca. Bukan hobby sih,tapi suka aja gitu kalau baca tentang Cerpen/Cerbung tentang anak IC. Gatau kenapa, dan sejak saat itu juga saya sangat mengidolakan Ify Idola Cilik atau yang sekarang kita kenal Ify Blink. Yeahh... I am a Blinkstar! And I'm a RISE now. Tidak hanya itu saya juga suka Sivia, Alvin,Cakka,Gabriel! yaps!! Always love and support they! :D #IFC #RISE #SH #BLINKSTAR etc.